Jr. Jazz
Youth Fall & Winter Sessions
Next Session Registration Opens August 1st, 2025
Jr. Jazz Youth Basketball
A program of the Utah Jazz & Community Recreational Agencies. Parents needed as volunteer coaches. Adults needed for Officials/Gym Supervisors. For more information call 801-298-6220.
The Goals and Objectives of the Jr. Jazz program are based on Fun, Fair Play, Skill Development, and Teamwork.
Jr. Jazz sessions can run for up to 8 weeks. Teams are formed according to grade. Each player receives a jersey and a voucher to a Utah Jazz basketball game. Teams can fill up prior to the registration deadline, so register early! Volunteer coaches needed.
If you cannot afford participation fees, please email cory@southdavisrecreation.com and ask about scholarship availability

Registration: August 1st
LATE Registration (Fee + $10) if spaces available
Schedule: October-December | Weekday Evenings
3rd- 6th grade (BOYS & GIRLS)
7th-9th grade (BOYS & GIRLS)
3rd – 6th Grade Price:
Members $68
Non-Member Resident $73
Non-Member Non-Resident $78
7th-9th Grade Price:
Members $78
Non-Member Resident $83
Non-Member Non-Resident $88
Team Registration $675
*See the Facility Pricing page for information on becoming a member, linked below.
Jr. Jazz sessions run for 7 weeks. Teams are formed according to grade. Each player receives a South Davis Jr. Jazz reversible jersey and a voucher to a Utah Jazz basketball game, 7 games and paid officials. Teams can fill up prior to the registration deadline, so register early! Volunteer coaches needed.
Jr. Jazz teams will be formed by grade and/or according to how you sign up. Early registration will increase your chances of playing with kids from your area. SDRC staff reserves the right to place your child on another team regardless of requests made. Due to the amount of players on a team, players may be placed on other teams besides the in their area.
Players provide their grade and school, jersey size request, any teammate requests (max of 1), and how the parent can volunteer for the program.
Volunteer coaches needed.
We reserve the right to amend schedules as needed.
Register Here
Registration: October 1st @9:00am
LATE Registration (Fee + $10) if spaces available
Schedule: January-March | Games played on Weeknights
3rd- 6th grade (BOYS & GIRLS)
10th-12th grade (BOYS only)
3rd – 6th Grade Price:
Members $68
Non-Member Resident $73
Non-Member Non-Resident $78
7th – 12th Grade Price:
Members $78
Non-Member Resident $83
Non-Member Non-Resident $88
Team Registration $675
Jr. Jazz sessions can run for up to 8 weeks. Teams are formed according to grade. Each player receives a South Davis Jr. Jazz reversible jersey and a voucher to a Utah Jazz basketball game, up to 8 games and paid officials. Teams can fill up prior to the registration deadline, so register early! Volunteer coaches needed.
Jr. Jazz teams will be formed by grade and/or according to how you sign up. Early registration will increase your chances of playing with kids from your area. SDRC staff reserves the right to place your child on another team regardless of requests made. Due to the amount of players on a team, players may be placed on other teams besides the in their area.
Players provide their grade and school, jersey size request, any teammate requests (max of 1), and how the parent can volunteer for the program.
Teams can fill up prior to the registration deadline, so register early!
Volunteer coaches needed.
Register Here
Instructional League
Players will learn basic skills needed to compete in the Jr. Jazz program. Participants must be in 1st or 2nd grade. Participants will receive a jersey. Sign up for a specific day and time, classes fill up fast so register as soon as possible! Parents are needed to volunteer coach this league.

Instructional Co-Ed
Registration: August 1st
LATE Registration (Fee + $10) if spaces available
October-November | Monday-Thursday Evenings
1st & 2nd grade (CO-ED)
Members $50
Non-Member Resident $55
Non-Member Non-Resident $60
Sessions are six weeks long and will be held Monday-Thursday nights for 50 minutes at 5:00pm, 6:00pm, or 7:00pm at the South Davis Recreation Center in the Multi-purpose Gym and possbily other facilities. Includes South Davis Recreation Center Jersey. Does not include Jazz ticket.
This six-week program is designed for the beginner basketball player. Players will learn the basic skills needed to compete in the Jr. Jazz program. Participants must be in 1st or 2nd grade. Participants will receive a jersey. Sign up for a specific day and time, classes fill up fast so register as soon as possible! Parents are needed to volunteer to coach. When signing up, please pick a day and time you would like your child to participate. This will be the day and time you meet every week.
Jr. Jazz teams will be formed by grade and/or according to how you sign up. Early registration will increase your chances of playing with kids from your area. SDRC Staff reserves the right to place your child on another team regardless of requests made. Due to the amount of players on a team, players may be placed on other teams besides those in their area. Teams can fill up prior to the registration deadline, so register early.
Register Here
Registration: October 1st @ 9:00am
LATE Registration (Fee + $10) if spaces available
Schedule: January-February | Monday-Thursday Evenings
Members $50
Non-Member Resident $55
Non-Member Non-Resident $60
Sessions are six weeks long and will be held Monday-Thursday nights for 50 minutes at 5:00pm, 6:00pm, or 7:00pm at the South Davis Recreation Center in the Multi-purpose Gym and possibly other facilities. Includes South Davis Recreation Center Jersey. Does not include Jazz ticket.
This six-week program is designed for the beginner basketball player. Players will learn the basic skills needed to compete in the Jr. Jazz program. Participants must be in 1st or 2nd grade. Participants will receive a jersey. Sign up for a specific day and time, classes fill up fast so register as soon as possible! Parents are needed to volunteer to coach. When signing up, please pick a day and time you would like your child to participate. This will be the day and time you meet every week.
Jr. Jazz teams will be formed by grade and/or according to how you sign up. Early registration will increase your chances of playing with kids from your area. SDRC Staff reserves the right to place your child on another team regardless of requests made. Due to the amount of players on a team, players may be placed on other teams besides those in their area. Teams can fill up prior to the registration deadline, so register early.